Friday, March 2, 2012


on president's day this year, some major shit happened. a dude decided to get drunk as hell and then ended up rear ending a baby nissan containing emily, cooper, and elyse at 100 mph, shooting it into incoming traffic, thus causing the car to crash into a tree and fall into a ditch. there will be a post dedicated to the accident later next week, but this is emily august's transformation throughout her icu, hospital, and rehabilitation stays. this girl is so amazing and so strong. and also, everyone, you are really lucky to be alive right now.


  1. this is so sad that this happened :( people can make really poor decisions and it's sad other people can be affected by them. I'm SO glad she's okay!

  2. This is a beautiful and emotional tribute to your friends. Yes, they are very lucky to be alive.

  3. these are so great, olivia. the 4th from the top is especially powerful. this shit sucks, and life is so damn precious; it's scary that it has to take something like this for us to realise it. thank goodness she's on the road to recovery

  4. olivia - this is so moving and beautiful and i'm glad your friends are ok. god. you capture the most perfect seconds.

  5. That's a terrible accident but it's really incredible that you are helping your friends make something special out of it, that you're all growing from the shit life throws at you. One of my favourite quotations I heard traveling in eastern Canada is, "If it's not growing, it's dead." That comes to mind here. Your work is so real because you draw from your life and your surroundings. It's absolutely moving and it resonates. Emily looks so spirited and lovely.

  6. I'm entirely genuine when I say that I think she's still beautiful. That smile just makes me smile.
    I wish Emily, Cooper and Elyse a speedy recovery.

  7. It would have been better if these pictures never existed because the accident never happened, nevertheless, their are really beautiful and moving (the 3rd one is amazing) I'm really glad your friends are ok and hope they won't suffer from bad after-effects.
    And I also love the cuddly Yoda!

  8. ♥ this is so good of you and also the contrast is amazing

  9. Hope she's on a path to a recovery.

  10. these are so powerful- a truly amazing series

  11. whoa, moving stuff. hope she makes a full recovery x

  12. Legendary! As usual your work blows me away

  13. My bff's baby sister was in an accident last month. She was tboned by a semi and is still in a coma. I'm so happy your friend is okay.

  14. beautiful series. I hope she's doing fine.

  15. oh my!! yes, you are SO lucky to be alive!
