Sunday, March 18, 2012

fall already happened and i guess winter is over now too

there are 1, 2, 3 photodiaries on rookie that some of these pix are a part of. i apologize for my absence lately...i have been taking too many pictures and haven't been able to catch up with myself...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


after talking about photography to like 76 million people a day and explaining what i do over and over...seriously like the last thing i wanna do is take pix...but staying away from shit i love is hard, so i guess here ya go. cliche cityscapes rule. so do weird juxtapositions for no reason and amish people eating in a 50's dinner.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012


on president's day this year, some major shit happened. a dude decided to get drunk as hell and then ended up rear ending a baby nissan containing emily, cooper, and elyse at 100 mph, shooting it into incoming traffic, thus causing the car to crash into a tree and fall into a ditch. there will be a post dedicated to the accident later next week, but this is emily august's transformation throughout her icu, hospital, and rehabilitation stays. this girl is so amazing and so strong. and also, everyone, you are really lucky to be alive right now.