felt hellza special that i got to be a part of the fiat ipad app! though i don't have an ipad...so i had to ask for jpgs...embarrassaroso....so if you have an ipad and are way more savvy than me, download it for free here. my connection to fiat isn't random, i shot the usa 500 campaign in april (the lifestyle portion, along with christopher wilson, who shot the real car shit) but i currently don't know where all those photos ran away to...keep your eyes peeled, i suppose. btw i'm having a kickass time in holland and within the next two weeks i'm gonna hit england, spain, the czech republic, and holland again! yeeeehawwwww life iz radz......
taken for legendsarising.com and gallows. fantastic show, sooooo krraaazyzyzyy. great stage diving great human pyramids great screaming. so glad i got to see them before their last show (which is in like 5 days in the u.k. somewhere). hollaaaa
sat in on a lesson in uitgeest for part of my commission over here (the photos shown here are not for the commission however, i just loved photographing dees kiddies). made me remember what elementary school was/is like. these kids were so hilar and of course i couldn't understand a word of anything so it's a good thing faces are universal!!!!